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The Autobiography of Gustave Baumann

$ 40.00

Gustave Baumann began his career as a commercial artist in Chicago. A craftsman by nature, he turned his hand to traditional woodcut printmaking. He joined other artists in the hill country of Brown County, Indiana, where he pursued his goal of creating “good pictures at low cost.” He eventually settled in Santa Fe and became an active member of the community, all while mastering the painstaking art of the color woodblock print. Written when he was nearing 70, The Autobiography of Gustave Baumann illuminates the personality of the artist through anecdotes of town and family life, observations of society, and musings about the role of artists and their art. Baumann’s personal stories highlight his charming humor, his philosophies on art, and his unwavering commitment to the Santa Fe community.The book is thoroughly annotated by Martin Krause with details of personal, cultural, and historical significance.

Hardcover Smyth-sewn book, with jacket | 160 pages with more than 80 full-color reproductions and 36 black-and-white photographs